Monday 28 February 2011

How to work with a design agency to get the best results

It takes two to tango!

Whether or not you are a fan of the TV series 'Strictly Come Dancing' you can't deny that watching two people dance in perfect and faultless synchronisation can be an impressive sight. It's the same in sport. For example, take two people rowing together in a race, if they get their oar strokes in complete tandem then the boat will glide forward smoothly and powerfully. It's the same with a rally driver and his partner or a golfer with a professional caddy. When two people work together in perfect harmony then the results can be outstanding.

The same principle applies in business. When a service provider works in harmony with a customer then by synchronising each element of the business relationship it becomes a win-win situation. The service provider is rewarded for a job well done and the customer gets the outcome he or she expected. So why, you might ask, does it sometimes go horribly wrong?

Well think about it. What if both dancers start off on the wrong foot? What if one oarsman pulls his oars back at the same timer his co-oarsman pulls his oars forward? The result, quite simply, can be disaster! It's exactly the same in our business. When we work together harmoniously with our clients everything falls into place like a synchronised set of dance moves. When we misunderstand each other or set off on the wrong foot then we are setting ourselves up for a fall.

A supplier wants to give you the best possible service (usually) - and in order to do that they need you to be the best possible client. So how can you achieve that? Simple! Just read the 13 top tips below and you will find out everything you need to do to be the best client anyone could ever hope to work with. If you can follow each and every tip then you will become the perfect client.

Tip 1: Understand the Process

My first tip is this - understand the process! If you have an understanding of how the Design and Print process works then we can start talking the same language. So here's what you need to know... Every job we do for our clients' goes through the following steps and the highlighted steps are the ones that need your direct input:

Briefing - Design concepts - Feedback - Design development - Design approval - Artwork - Proof - Amends - Re-proof - Approval - Print preparation - Printing/production - Delivery

Tip 2: Understand what 'Briefing' means

Wherever possible, try to give the designer the best possible written or strong verbal brief and then be sure you remain available to answer any questions he might have. To get the best results you need to be as clear as possible on what you want and what you are trying to achieve. Never say "I'd just like a few creative ideas" otherwise you might end up with a whole range of non-specific ideas that may look attractive but won't achieve what you need. So do make time to do the groundwork at the beginning and be clear about what it is you want. The more you work with us the better the end result will be.

Tip 3: Timing

The best results generally come from projects that have been carefully planned in advance where time has been set aside to work on them. Creativity isn't a nine to five job - in fact our thoughts, concepts and ideas hit us at some very odd moments (we won't go into details!) Generally it's when we are relaxed rather than when we are under pressure that we produce the best results for our clients. So if you want the best from us then allow us plenty of time to do a good job. And here's another useful tip - If you do need to meet a tight deadline then make sure you are available to check the proofs!

Tip 4: Amendments

If you want your project to be a success we understand that there is an element of fine-tuning. However, the way that any 'amends' are provided to us can ensure that the process goes smoothly and accurate proofs are returned to you. Try wherever possible to send amends via email or give them to us as marked-up copies. Amends given over the phone may seem a quicker option for you but it can lead to confusion - especially if you haven't given the designer time to get the copy in front of them! Also, don't expect a designer to amend artwork on screen over the phone - the artwork may appear simple when printed in front of you but may involve a number of layers of text and images and trying to rush things can often lead to errors in the artwork at a later stage.

Tip 5: If you get it right first time it will save you money!

By all means take all the time you need to decide what it is you need, but once you have committed to a piece of work, then any later change of mind will mean extra work for us which will incur further costs.

Tip 6: Select the right images

It is important to make sure that any images you want to be used are fit for purpose. In other words whether it's for a coaster or a poster make sure you pick the right sort of images to get your message across. Don't be afraid to ask us if you want some advice and don't forget we can also advise you if an image is of a high enough resolution for your purposes too.

Tip 7: Colour

Every monitor is set up differently. We calibrate our monitors to ensure that they are as closely matched to the printed item as possible. However as most of our proofing is done electronically via PDF files, or through colour laser print outs, what you see may not be an exact representation of what will be produced. If you have a specific colour you wish us to match then please provide a sample and likewise, if you are unsure of a colour, ask the designer to provide you with a swatch. If the right colour is something that is absolutely essential in your line of business then always request a wet proof to be confident of the reproduction.

Tip 8: Meetings

If you want to meet with us during lunchtime then we have no objection at all if you want to buy us lunch. Similarly, if you want to meet us at the pub then we will gladly accept a drink. Also, just to let you know, sometimes we can also be bribed by chocolate.

Tip 9: Pitching

We know we have to earn our stripes and prove our credentials as designers. However, we hope that once we have demonstrated our abilities and worked with you a few times that we develop a relationship that you can trust. We also understand that you can't allow your suppliers to get complacent and that you need to get the best quality for the best price. However, we do ask you to be fair. Sales pitches are all part of business life and a bit of competition is actually quite exciting - but if we have to go to battle on nearly every project it can be wearisome for both of us. So before you ask a designer to give you a lot of hours for free please think about the following:

a) Let us know if the job is an actual job or just an idea that you are considering. If it is just something in the pipeline please at least be honest at the start.

b) All designers should start on a level playing field. Budgets need to be agreed at the start, deadlines must be the same for all parties and the brief given to each company must be the same.

c) Be honest with us about the number of designers involved in the pitch. 3 is the norm, 5 rare. More than 5 and you'll find a lot of designers will stand down as this can show a lack of decisiveness from the client at the start.

d) Do give feedback. Remember that you have asked a designer to give up their time for free. In return give them honest feedback about their performance. (We once had a client who stated in the brief that due to budget restrictions they would be unable to notify the unsuccessful candidates! We chose not to partake in that pitch!)

Tip 10: Communication

We always strive to ensure a job goes as smoothly as possible. We climb mountains when required, fight fires and even pull rabbits out of hats. All we ask from you is that you keep communicating with us. When we know what you need and when you need it we are quite happy to jump through some pretty small hoops!

Tip 11: Contracts

We believe it is essential to have a contract to protect your interests as much as us. Make sure you read the whole contract before you sign anything because understanding what is expected of both parties makes the whole process run more smoothly - and it can help can avoid any misunderstandings further down the line.

Tip 12: Pay Invoices on Time

Just like in any other profession we need to be paid for the work we have done within an agreed time limit. Paying us late, or making us chase you for payment is time consuming and painful for us both. We pay our invoices on time so be sure to pay us on time. That way our relationship is sure to blossom!

Tip 13: Be open and honest with us

If we get something wrong or screw up tell us openly and honestly. We are only human and we sometimes make mistakes. If we get something wrong we will do everything possible to correct it and get back on track (We rarely make mistakes of's usually our clients - just kidding!)

So there you go - my 13 top tips for being a perfect client. Follow these tips and you can be sure of being the best client anyone have ever had the pleasure of working with. You will definitely be top of our Christmas present list and we will proudly mention your name at every business or social event we go to.

But don't worry, I really do promise not to invite you to a dance...

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