Monday 7 March 2011

Top 5 Reasons to Have Video on Your Website

Video on websites isn't a new thing, but it's one that's not taken off quite as much as it should.

We're great believers in engaging the audience of sites that we build, and with this in mind launched our latest service recently, where you can have web video for as little as £99.

Here are our top 5 reasons you should have video on your website:

1) People buy from people - they want to feel as if they know you and trust you before they part with their hard earned cash. It's not always easy to get personality across on a website, with awkwardly posed professional photographs and copywritten text that can often be devoid of personality. A video allows them to see the real you, the person they will be dealing with, or the company that they're spending their money with. It makes you seem more personable and approachable and could be the difference between a sale or an exit.

2) It allows you to play alongside the 'big boys'. For a long time the smaller business suffered because they didn't have the budget of the big brands - their websites looked inferior, and they couldn't afford the gizmos and gadgets that the big players could. That's all changed. With web video costing as little as £99, any business can invest and make the most of it for their website.

3) Some people just like video. I'm not going to quote stats to you, but it's well known that some people learn and understand by hearing something, some by reading, and some by watching. Video gives you two of those ways, and your website the third - that way you've reached the maximum potential audience in the way that they like.

4) Some industries reaaly NEED video. I'm talking about hotels, estate agents, holiday companies etc. They need to be able to show off their wares, to connect with people's emotions and make them able to see how great the hotel room / house / beach is.

5) Video is not just about talking heads. You can use video on your site in a number of ways: tours around your facilities, demos of how to work things, small commercials, montages of your products, educational tools, and yes, of course, a talking head interview or speech. You know your audience, what would they like to see?

It's easy to think that video isn't for you - but do you remember the days when even large companies were saying they didn't even need a website?

If my 5 reasons have helped you to realise that web video could be the way forward for your website, get in touch!

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